
as such معنى

as such أمثلة على
  • هكذا
  • as    adv. حسب ما, برغم, ...
  • such    adj. مثل; adv. الى ...


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. and as such we're taking a risk taking you on...
    و نحن نجازف بضمك معنا فعليك تقدير ذلك
  2. And as such I beg you to accept this small gift.
    فلذلك أرجو منكِ قبول هذه الهدية الصغيرة.
  3. Now look, everybody's describing Bernie Tiede as such a great guy.
    يصف الجميع (بيرني) على أنه شخص رائع
  4. As such we currently live in times of great peace,
    ولأننا في سـلام بين الجميع في هذا الوقت
  5. And As It Is Such, So Also As Such Is It Unto You.
    معذرة، أيّها الأب أكره مقاطعتك

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
    مرادفات intrinsically, per se, in and of itself, intrinsically, per se, in and of itself
  2. with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
    مرادفات intrinsically, per se, in and of itself, intrinsically, per se, in and of itself

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. as soliman معنى
  2. as soliman players معنى
  3. as somozas معنى
  4. as soon as معنى
  5. as soon as possible معنى
  6. as sudah district معنى
  7. as sudayrah, al madinah معنى
  8. as sudayrah, makkah معنى
  9. as sufal معنى
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